Monday, February 27, 2017

It is not photoshopped!!??

Too cute! It has to be photoshopped! Nope! This is a tapir!🙀 It is big, weighing up to 550 lbs💫  with a life span of 25 to 30 years. What?! And what's more, their height 3.3 ft at the shoulder and  their living ancestors are rhinos and horses. But what about the elephant? they only live in South and Central America and getting on the verge of extinction! dun dun DUN!😭nooo! Anyway I hope you enjoy the post!🐘


A Blobfish! Um... ok then! Well as you can see the blob (I am going to call it a blob) is just a little blob and what is it? It is just a blob because it has no muscles. Yeah. It's really just a blob. It also lives in DEEP WATER. What if a rock fell! Those blobs can't swim that well. Ok they can't swim at all. It sits around and waits for its food to come to it. It eats mollusks and sometimes small sea snails. Yummy... errrr... Anyways, I hope you enjoy the post!
So sorry I did not post in 4 DAYS!😭I was sick, so I am very sorry. I hope you understand.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


OMG! we got to 100 page views thank you so much🐣

Tiny Lemur

Some of you might already know about the mouse lemur, but how well do you know it? And thats why I am here to fill your brain with fun facts! (not boring facts) And now the for the facts!🐵 Like this one: The mouse lemur is the smallest primate in the world! It's head and body are less then 2 and a half inches long, and of course they live in a hot dry western place in Madagascar. Anyway hope you enjoy the post!🐒

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Big Nose Monkey!!??

    A proboscis monkey? Well, as you can see, the proboscis monkey has a really big nose. This nose is not just for looks. It is kinda for looks, the longer the nose is the more the girl monkeys like it. And the noes just keeps on giving. It also helps make A LOT OF NOISE!📢 The noise bounces in the nose💫 and there is more. The proboscis monkeys big belly has big stomach and the big stomach helps digest the craziest things. Anyway hope you enjoy the post.🐒

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


I love hamsters! They are just so cute! But they are also very misunderstood. For starters they need a lot of space. 360 square inches of ground space to be exact. Oh, and a lot of toys. Hamsters love to spend time with you.
I have 2 roborovski hamsters and they are SO cute! Anyway i hope you enjoy the post.🐹🐹

My first post!

I find animals really fun! They are never ending, but I want to share my love of animals with everybody. So why not make a blog! So here it is and i really hope that you enjoy my blog!🐶